Knowledge Base

Set initial configuration in Cisco devices #


In this section learn how to set initial configuration in Cisco devices. You can also follow the video of this section on my channel on YouTube.

We have 3 modes in Cisco devices, namely:




User mode


Privilege mode


enter enable in user mode

Global mode


enter config terminal or conf t to enter this mode

In privilege mode, you can run show commands, while in global mode you can change configuration of switch.

1-1 Setting hostname
sw# conf t
sw(config)# hostname Cisco
1-2 Setting password for line console

Console to PC
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sw# conf t
sw(config)# line console 0
sw(config)# password CISCO
sw(config)# login

In line 4, if you forget to write login, switch will not ask any password. So, you have to write it, to enable password in line console 0.

1-3 Setting password for line vty

vty lines are using for users to connect via SSH, Telnet. In other words, to enable SSH or Telnet, you have to use these lines. By default, Cisco breaks up vty lines into two segments:

  • vty 0 – 4 (older devices)

  • vty 5- 15

sw# conf t
sw(config)# line vty 0 15
sw(config)# password CISCO
sw(config)# login

New devices have more than 15 vty. Usually system administrator define 5 vty in devices.

1-4 Setting password for the privilege mode

we have two options for setting password for the privilege mode:

  • password which is in clear mode

  • secret which is encryption mode

sw# conf t
sw(config)# enable password CISCO


sw# conf t
sw(config)# enable sercret CISCO
1-5 Encrypt your Cisco device

if you use password instead of secret with # show running-config command you can see the clear password. To encrypt the password use this command:

sw# conf t
sw(config)# service password-encryption

now if you look at running-config , everything has become encrypted.

encrypted password
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1-6 Setting IP address for default vlan

by default, all Cisco devices have vlan 1, so in other section will know how to make a vlan. In this code, we set IP address with subnet mask Then, we use command no shutdown to enable interface.

sw# conf t
sw(config)# int vlan 1
sw(config-if)# ip address
sw(config-if)#no shutdown

Cisco recommends all use any vlan number except vlan 1.

1-7 Setting default gateway

if you have router and you want to access your Cisco switch to router for the Internet, you have to set default gateway.

sw# conf t
sw(config)# ip default-gateway
1-8 Shutdown ports

you can shutdown ports for the range of ports. For example, range of 1 to 4 is shutdown by shutdown command.

sw# conf t
sw(config)# int range fa0/1-4
sw(config)# shutdown

use no shutdown or no shut to enable ports

1-9 Setting banner

you can set a banner for a switch with motd command. After motd you have to use kind of character and it can be * + | or anything. The important matter is that both character should be the same as the code it is shown

sw# conf t
sw(config)# banner motd +
cisco 3850 by HRT

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1-10 Prevent mistype

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Mistype translating domain server

In Cisco devices, if you enter a some command wrong, by default try to map it to domain name and it takes 30 sec to do that. To prevent mistype, we use this command:

sw# conf t
sw(config)# no ip domain-lookup
1-11 Setting timeout

if you are working with Cisco command line, you can set session timeout with these command. In these examples, we set timeout to 10 seconds.

vty line:

sw# conf t
sw(config)# line vty 0 5
sw(config)# exec-timeout 0 10

line console:

sw# conf t
sw(config)# line cosole 0
sw(config)# exec-timeout 0 10
1-12 save configuration

to save your configuration you can run these two commands:

sw# copy running-config startup-config


sw# write


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Connect to Cisco devices #

The first question is asked by those who are using Cisco devices for the first time is that how can I connect to Cisco devices. It needs kind of cable which is called rollover cable.

Rollover cable
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rollover cable contains RJ-45 and RS-232 and as it is demonstrated in below picture, RJ-45 is connected to switch and on the other hand RS-232 is connected to PC.

Console to PC
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Today’s PCs usually don’t have RS-232 port. You have to buy kind of convertor for RS-232 to USB or you can use new rollover cable which is RJ45 to USB.

you can use kind of these software in PC to connect to switch through the console port. Putty is a famous software which supports SSH, Telnet, Serial.

I’ve uploaded a video in Youtube to become familiar how to connect rollover cable to switch and how to connect switch through Putty

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Setup Router-on-a-Stick(Layer 2 -Layer 3) #

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To connect several vlans together, there is a model which is called “Router-on-a-stick“. This model has some advantages:

  • Cost effective

  • Easy to Implement

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks in this model:

  • Congestion on link(bottleneck on trunk port)

  • If router becomes down, network will down

switch(config)# int gi0/1
switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
router(config)# int gi0/0.10
router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 10
router(config-subif)# ip address
router(config)# int gi0/0.20
router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 20
router(config-subif)# ip address
router(config)# int gi0/0.30
router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 30
router(config-subif)# ip address

In Switch layer2, we use router-on-a-stick to connect vlans together based on access-list we define.

Layer 3 switches

Multilayer Switch
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As it is shown, first set an IP address for the PC0 and PC1. PC0 is on Vlan 10, while PC1 is on Vlan 20. Default Gateway of both PCs are set with the IP address of Vlan in Switch. For routing between to Vlan, Just we use “ip routing” command as it is shown in below code:

switch(config)# vlan 10
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# vlan 20
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# ip routing
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Trunk Port(Tag Port) #

1-1 What’s Trunk port?

A trunk port is a port that is assigned to carry traffic for all the VLANs.Trunk send Untagged and Tagged information. There are two standards for Trunking:

  • ISL(Cisco)

  • 802.1Q(Industry Standard) is 4 Byte which is considered without Native Vlan


Trunk between two switches
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sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
sw2(config)# int fa0/1
sw2(config-vlan)# switchport mode trunk

In older version of Cisco devices first you have to write:

switchport encapsulation dot1q


switchport mode trunk

1-2 Changing Native Vlan

For changing Native Vlan just write:

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 20
1-3 Allow Specific Vlan

To allow specific vlan just write:

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# switchport allowed vlan 10,20,30

In above-mentioned code, just vlan 10, 20, 30 allowed through trunk port

You can use switchport command with add/all/except/none

sw1(config-if)# switchport allowed vlan 10,20,30
sw1(config-if)# switchport allowed vlan add/all/except/none 10,20,30
1-4 How to see trunk port
switch# show interface trunk
switch# show interface fa0/1 switchport
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A virtual LAN (Local Area Network) is a logical subnetwork that can group together a collection of devices from different physical LAN.

1-1 Create VLAN

Imagine that we have different departments on your company and you want to separate each department based on their employees. So, with the VLAN concept you can create a VLAN and then assign different ports to these VLANs.

Vlan 10-20-30 in Switch1
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In the above picture, we have 3 departments, each of which is assigned to unique VLAN. let’s configure switch:

sw# conf t
sw(config)# vlan 10
sw(config-vlan)# name Management
sw(config-vlan)# exit
sw(config)# vlan 20
sw(config-vlan)# name IT
sw(config-vlan)# exit
sw(config)# vlan 30
sw(config-vlan)# name SALES
sw(config-vlan)# exit

For viewing created VLANs, we enter this command:

sw# show vlan

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VLAN 1 is a default VLAN in Cisco devices. VLAN from 1002-1005 are for other protocols. VLAN from 1006- 4094 is called Extended VLAN.

1-2 Access Switch Ports to Vlan

In above picture, a PC in VLAN 10 is connected to port Fa0/1 switch. So, we can write this command to access port Fa0/1 to VLAN 10:

sw(config)# int fa0/1
sw(config-vlan)# switchport mode access
sw(config-vlan)# switchport access vlan 10
sw(config-vlan)# exit

Now, if we enter show vlan:

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Now we do it for other ports:

sw(config)# int fa0/2
sw(config-vlan)# switchport mode access
sw(config-vlan)# switchport access vlan 20
sw(config-vlan)# exit
sw(config)# int fa0/3
sw(config-vlan)# switchport mode access
sw(config-vlan)# switchport access vlan 30
sw(config-vlan)# exit

and the result is:

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1-3 Native Vlan

By default in Cisco switches , Vlan 1 is a native Vlan. It means, untagged traffic carries in this vlan. We’ll know how to change Native Vlan.

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Private Vlan #

Sometimes it is necessary to have policy and separate your Vlan like below diagram. In this diagram, WWW and FTP server have communication together, so we put in community. On the other hand, SQL server shouldn’t be seen by FTP or WWW server, so, we put on isolated. In fact, there are three types of sub Vlan in Private Vlan:

  • Promiscuous: can be reached by sub Vlan

  • Isolated : can not be seen by other Vlans

  • Community: only can see community member

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Imagine we want to make primary vlan for these sub Vlan. We make a Vlan “100” as a primary:

SW# conf t
SW(config)#vtp mode transparent
SW(config)#vlan 100
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan primary

Then, make sub Vlan for www and FTP as 101 and SQL as 102

SW(config)#vlan 101
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan community
SW(config)#vlan 102
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan isolated

After that, we put www, FTP and SQL in primary Vlan:

SW(config)#vlan 100
SW(config-vlan)#private-vlan association 101,102

Next, we assign interface to each Vlan

SW(config)#int fa0/1
SW(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan host
SW(config-if)# switchport private-vlan host-association 100 101
SW(config)#int fa0/2
SW(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan host
SW(config-if)# switchport private-vlan host-association 100 101
SW(config)#int fa0/3
SW(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan host
SW(config-if)# switchport private-vlan host-association 100 102
SW(config)#int fa0/10
SW(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous
SW(config-if)# switchport private-vlan mapping 100 101,102

To use show command:

SW# show vlan private-vlan
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1-STP(Spanning-Tree Protocol) (802.1D)

To prevent loop between switches, Cisco uses Spanning-Tree protocol. STP is the simplest and oldest protocol which is enable by default in Cisco devices. STP is a industry standard which is used by other vendors to prevent loops in devices.

STP uses BPDU(bridge protocol data unit) to detect loops in devices. If there is any loops in Cisco devices, block redundant links. As you can see in figure 1, we have 3 switches with the same priority and in the root bridge selection, switch with the lowest priority selects as a root bridge. Now, we have the same priority, so the second feature in root bridge selection is the lowest Mac-Address. Therefore, switch A becomes root bridge and switch B and C use their shortest path to reach root bridge. This port is called root port. Then, we have selection between switch B and C, as we mentioned, switch B has the lowest Mac-Address, so it becomes Designated port and in switch C connection will be blocked.

Figure 1: STP States
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Default priority of switch is 32768 and is multiple of 4096( between 0-61440) while, default port-priority in switch is 128 and multiple of 16.

In STP , we have 5 states, namely:

disabled, blocking(20sec), listening(15sec), learning(15sec), forwarding

It means, we have to wait at least 50 seconds until fully convergence.

We can configure switch for STP and change the priority or make a switch as primary root:

sw1(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096
sw1(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary

you can use show command to see the root or states of connections:

sw1# show spanning-tree
sw1# show spanning-tree vlan 1
2- PVST+ (Per Vlan Spanning-Tree)

This is the same idea of STP . The only difference here is using in Vlan instead of STP. The delay in receiving BPDUs can cause problems like convergence time problems. Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) is a solution for these problems. PVST operates a separate instance of STP for each individual VLAN . So, it helps load-balancing more efficiently.

3- RSTP(Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol) (802.1w)

Cisco enhanced the original 802.1D specification with features such as Uplink Fast, Backbone Fast, and Port Fast to speed up the convergence time of a bridged network. In RSTP we have five states, namely:

STP (802.1D) Port State

RSTP (802.1w) Port State











It means, by removing listening states now convergence takes on 30 seconds. To configure, simply add:

sw1(config)# spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

Figure 2: RSTP port states
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As you see in Figure 2, we have Alternate port instead of block port in RSTP. Also, RSTP can detect edge port and separate root port from edge port.

3-1 PortFast

PortFast causes a switch or trunk port to enter the spanning tree forwarding state immediately, bypassing the listening and learning states.

You can use PortFast on switch or trunk ports that are connected to a single workstation, switch, or server to allow those devices to connect to the network immediately, instead of waiting for the port to transition from the listening and learning states to the forwarding state.

The most secure implementation of PortFast is to enable it only on ports that connect end stations to switches. To config it:

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
3-2 BPDU guard and BPDU Filter

PortFast BPDU guard prevents loops by moving a nontrunking port into an errdisable state when a BPDU is received on that port. When you enable BPDU guard on the switch, spanning tree shuts down PortFast-configured interfaces that receive BPDUs. Cisco recommend every ports connected to endpoint devices should have BPDU guard. BPDU guard:

  • Change the interface to errdisable state

  • Prevent from receiving BPDU

To enable BPDU guard:

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable

While, BPDU filtering allows you to avoid transmitting BPDUs on PortFast-enabled ports that are connected to an end system. When you enable PortFast on the switch, spanning tree places ports in the forwarding state immediately, instead of going through the listening, learning, and forwarding states. BPDU filtering:

  • Prevent from sending and receiving BPDU

  • Stop spanning-tree in the interface

3-3 Loop Guard and Root Guard

BPDU guard and root guard are similar, but their impact is different. BPDU guard disables the port upon BPDU reception if PortFast is enabled on the port. The disablement effectively denies devices behind such ports from participation in STP. You must manually reenable the port that is put into errdisable state or configure errdisable-timeout.

Root guard allows the device to participate in STP as long as the device does not try to become the root. If root guard blocks the port, subsequent recovery is automatic. Recovery occurs as soon as the offending device ceases to send superior BPDUs.

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root

When one of the ports in a physically redundant topology no longer receives BPDUs, the STP conceives that the topology is loop free. Eventually, the blocking port from the alternate or backup port becomes designated and moves to a forwarding state. This situation creates a loop.

The loop guard feature makes additional checks. If BPDUs are not received on a non-designated port, and loop guard is enabled, that port is moved into the STP loop-inconsistent blocking state, instead of the listening / learning / forwarding state. Without the loop guard feature, the port assumes the designated port role. The port moves to the STP forwarding state and creates a loop.

sw1(config)# int fa0/1
sw1(config-if)# spanning-tree guard loop
4-MSTR(Multiple Spanning-tree Protocol) (802.1s)

MST extends the IEEE 802.1w rapid spanning tree (RST) algorithm to multiple spanning trees. This extension provides both rapid convergence and load balancing in a VLAN environment. MST converges faster than Per VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+) and is backward compatible with 802.1D STP, 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol [RSTP]), and the Cisco PVST+ architecture.

MST allows you to build multiple spanning trees over trunks. You can group and associate VLANs to spanning tree instances. Each instance can have a topology independent of other spanning tree instances. This architecture provides multiple forwarding paths for data traffic and enables load balancing. Network fault tolerance is improved because a failure in one instance (forwarding path) does not affect other instances.

In large networks, you can more easily administer the network and use redundant paths by locating different Vlan and spanning tree instance assignments in different parts of the network.

MST includes some regions and each region contains Vlans. As it shown in below code, we have different instances and in each instance we have Vlans. If Vlans don’t have any instance, it goes to instance 0.

sw(config)# spanning-tree mst conf
sw(config-mst)# name HRT
sw(config-mst)# revision 1
sw(config-mst)# instance 1 vlan 2-3
sw(config-mst)# instance 2 vlan 4-8
sw(config-mst)# instance 3 vlan 9-11
sw(config-mst)# exit
sw(config)#spanning-tree mode mst

to show mst configuration:

sw# show spanning-tree mst conf
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1-SPAN(Switched Port Analyzer Network)

To sniff or to analyse traffic on specific port or Vlan you can use SPAN. As it is shown in Figure 1, we want to have traffic of FastEthernet0/1 on port FastEthernet0/10. So, simple we can define monitor session for interface FastEthernet0/1 as a source and FastEthernet0/10 as a destination.

Figure 1: SPAN
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SW# conf t
SW(config)#monitor session 1 source int fa0/1
SW(config)#monitor session 1 destination int fa0/10

You can define a receive, transmit or both in monitor session:

SW(config)#monitor session 1 source int fa0/1 rx | tx | both

2- RSPAN(Remotely Switched Port Analyzer Network)

This is exactly the same scenario of SPAN, but here we remotely monitor a port in switch. First, you have to define separate Vlan between two switches. Then, you can specify source and destination.

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SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#vlan 20
SW1(config)#monitor session 1 source int fa0/1
SW1(config)#monitor session 1 destination remote-vlan 20
SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#monitor session 1 source remote-vlan 20
SW1(config)#monitor session 1 destination int fa0/10
3- show command
SW# show monitor session 1 detail
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NetFlow #

NetFlow is a networking analysis protocol that gives the ability to collect detailed information about network traffic as it flows through a router interface. NetFlow helps network administrators answers the questions of who (users), what (application), when (time of day), where (source and destination IP addresses) and how network traffic is flowing.

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NetFlow components

+NetFlow Monitor: a component applied to an interface and collects information about flows. Flow monitors consist of a record and a cache. You add the record to the flow monitor after the flow monitor is created. In the topology above, we can apply the NetFlow Monitors to the s0/0, Fa0/0 and Fa0/1 interfaces of the router to collect traffic information of these interfaces + NetFlow Exporter: aggregates packets into flows, stores IP flow information in its NetFlow cache and exports them in the form of flow records to the NetFlow collector + NetFlow Collector: collects flow records sent from the NetFlow exporters, parsing and storing the flows. Usually a collector is a separate software running on a network server. NetFlow records are exported to a NetFlow collector using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) + NetFlow Sampler: used to reduce the number of packets that are selected for analysis. It is applied to a NetFlow Monitor to reduce the overhead load because the number of packets that the flow monitor must analyze is reduced. But notice that the accuracy of the information stored in the flow monitor’s cache is also reduced correspondingly.

How NetFlow Exporter works

When packets arrive at the NetFlow Exporter, each of them is inspected for one or many IP packet attributes. These attributes are used to determine if the packet is unique or similar to other packets. If it is similar then it is classified as in the same flow.

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There are seven key IP packet attributes that can be used by NetFlow to classify packets into separate flows: + IP source address + IP destination address + Source port + Destination port + Layer 3 protocol type + Class of Service (or Type of Service – ToS) Byte + Input (Router or switch) interface

Other attributes can be also used and they are called non-key attributes such as timestamps, packet and byte counters, TCP flag information…

After inspecting these attributes, the NetFlow Exporter condenses them into flow records and save in a database called the NetFlow cache. These flow records can also be exported to a NetFlow Collector.

How to view NetFlow data

There are two main methods to view NetFlow data:

+ Command Line Interface (CLI): Because the NetFlow cache is a part of the NetFlow Exporter so we can view this cache directly via the Command-Line-Interface (CLI), which is very useful for troubleshooting, with the “show ip cache flow” command. An example output of this command is shown below:

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+ A NetFlow reporting tool: there are many tools that can collect NetFlow packets sent to the NetFlow Collector and display a comprehensive view. Below is an example of what SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer can analyze:

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NetFlow versions

Version 1: the original format supported in the initial NetFlow releases. Versions 2, 3 and 4 were not released. Version 5: an enhancement that adds Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) autonomous system information, flow sequence numbers and a few additional fields. This is the standard and most common NetFlow version. Only support IPv4. Version 6: similar to version 7 Version 7: Cisco-specific version for Catalyst 5000 series switches but not compatible with Cisco routers Version 8: choice of aggregation schemes in order to reduce resource usage Version 9: support flow-record format and it is known as Flexible NetFlow technology. NetFlow version 9 includes a template to describe what is being exported. It supports extensible file export format to enable easier support. It also supports additional fields & technologies such as MPLS, IPv6, IPSec, NBAR protocols, Multicast, VLAN ID…

In general, the two most important NetFlow versions are Version 5 and Version 9 which we will learn how to configure them.

Note: NetFlow version 5 only supports monitoring inbound statistics using the “ip flow ingress” command while NetFlow v9 allows to monitor traffic leaving each interface via “ip flow egress” command.

Configure NetFlow version 9

To configure NetFlow version 9 (Flexible NetFlow), we need to configure three components: 1. Flow Record 2. Flow Exporter 3. Flow Monitor

The following configuration enables NetFlow version 9 on Fa0/1 interface and export to a NetFlow collector at on UDP port 2055.

1. Configure the Flow Record:

Router(config)# flow record TUT_Record
Router(config-flow-record)# match ipv4 destination address
Router(config-flow-record)# match ipv4 source address

2. Configure the Exporter:

Router(config)# flow exporter TUT_Exporter
Router(config-flow-exporter)# destination

3. Configure the Exporter:

Router(config)# flow monitor TUT_Monitor
Router(config-flow-monitor)# record TUT_Record //Must match the above Flow Record name
Router(config-flow-monitor)# exporter TUT_Exporter //Must match the above Exporter name

4. Apply to an interface

Router(config)#interface fa0/1
Router(config-if)#ip flow monitor TUT_Monitor input //Monitor the receiving
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SNMP(V1-2-3) #

1- What is SNMP?

SNMP is an application-layer protocol that provides a message format for communication between managers and agents. The SNMP system consists of:

  • an SNMP manager,

  • an SNMP agent,

  • and a MIB.

The SNMP agent contains MIB variables whose values the SNMP manager can request or change. A manager can get a value from an agent or store a value into the agent. The agent gathers data from the MIB, the repository for information about device parameters and network data. The agent can also respond to a manager’s requests to get or set data.

An agent can send unsolicited traps to the manager. Traps are messages alerting the SNMP manager to a condition on the network. Traps can mean improper user authentication, restarts, link status (up or down), MAC address tracking, closing of a TCP connection, loss of connection to a neighbor, or other significant events.

SNMP Versions








Community string


Uses a community string match for authentication.



Community string


Uses a community string match for authentication.





Uses a username match for authentication.



Message Digest 5 (MD5) or Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)


Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms.


authPriv (requires the cryptographic software image)

MD5 or SHA

Data Encryption Standard (DES) or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Provides authentication based on the HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA algorithms. Allows specifying the User-based Security Model (USM) with these encryption algorithms: DES 56-bit encryption in addition to authentication based on the CBC-DES (DES-56) standard. 3DES 168-bit encryption AES 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit encryption

configuring SNMPV2 is so simple, just write :

SW# conf t
SW(conf t)# snmp-server community HRT ro

ro means read only and rw means read/write

configuring SNMPV3 needs three steps:

1- Defining View

SW(conf t)# snmp-server view View_Name iso|family|interface included

iso means everything in MIB.

2- Defining Group

SW(conf t)# snmp-server group Group_Name V3 priv read View_Name

3- Defining User

SW(conf t)# snmp-server user UserName Group_Name v3 auth sha|md5 Password des56/AES Your_Preshared_Key
2- Connect your Device to PRTG

PRTG is really good tool for grabbing information from devices which are working with SNMP. You can download this software and connecting around 100 sensors are free. In other word, you can use it for small business.

1-First, Add a New Device, and IPV4 address.

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2- Second, Select SNMP version, type of Authentication(SHA-MD5) and enter your username and password.

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3- Third, enter encryption type and Pre-shared key.

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4- Add your desire sensor, there are alot of sensors for different devices, for example I add ping to this device.

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TACACS+ and Radius is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access to a router or network access server. In Table 1 main difference between TACACS and Radius are mentioned:





Packet fully encrypted

Password encrypted








Separate AAA

Combine AAA

To configure Radius or TACACS+ , first we define a new model and then we use dot1x authentication:

Server Side
SW# conf t
SW(config)# aaa new-model
SW(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
SW(config)# dot1x system-auth-control
SW(config)# dot1x port-control (auto | force-authorized | force-unauthorized)
Client Side
SW# conf t
SW(config)# aaa new-model
SW(config)# radius-server|tacacs-server host a.b.c.d key password
SW(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
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Etherchannel(layer2-layer3) #

EtherChannel is a port link aggregation technology or port-channel architecture used primarily on Cisco switches. It allows grouping of several physical Ethernet links to create one logical Ethernet link for the purpose of providing fault-tolerance and high-speed links between switches, routers and servers(wiki).

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There are two protocols in ether-channel:

  • PAGP (Cisco proprietary )

    • on

    • auto

    • desirable

  • LACP(Industry Standard)(802.3AD)

    • on

    • active

    • passive

To implement layer 2 PAGP:

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#int range fa0/1-2
SW1(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode auto
SW1(config-if)#no shut
SW2# conf t
SW2(config)#int range fa0/1-2
SW2(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode desirable
SW2(config-if)#no shut

To implement layer 2 LACP:

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#int range fa0/1-2
SW1(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode active
SW1(config-if)#no shut
SW2# conf t
SW2(config)#int range fa0/1-2
SW2(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode passive
SW2(config-if)#no shut

Layer 3 Etherchannel
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In layer3, we use virtual ip address in port channel to define PAGP:

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#interface port-channel 1
SW1(config)#no switchport
SW1(config)#ip address
SW1(config)#interface range fa0/1-2
SW1(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode desirable
SW2# conf t
SW2(config)#interface port-channel 1
SW2(config)#no switchport
SW2(config)#ip address
SW2(config)#interface range fa0/1-2
SW2(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode auto
Yes No

Static Routing #

Routing is a huge concept in Cisco and I don’t want to dive into routing protcols concept, but I want to focus on simple routing which is called Static Routing. To know this concept look at this diagram. In static routnig, to reach from network1 to network2 , you need to define networks in router1 and router 2.

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R1 knows just their interfaces, for reaching to network, we use interface, therefore we write:

R1(config)# ip route

R2 knows just their interfaces, for reaching to network, we use interface, therefore we write:

R2(config)# ip route
Yes No


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol to dynamically giva an IP address to different devices. In cisco, defining DHCP is following these steps:

  1. Define DHCP exclude-address: We separate unwanted address in DHCP

  2. Define DHCP Pool : We define DHCP pool which is assigned to clients

  3. Define network, dns-server and default router

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
SW1(config)#ip dhcp pool HRT
Yes No

Port Security #

1-1 What’s port Security

In Cisco switches, you can limit PCs based on their Mac-address. Port security enhances the security in Cisco devices

Let’s implement a scenario to learn more about port security:

Senario 1: In company A, we want to define port-security to learn mac-address of all PCs on the nework and maximum each port has to learn maximum two mac-address. In a case of violation, ports should shutdown immediately.

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)# int range fa0/1-24
SW1(config-if)# switchport mode access
SW1(config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 2
SW1(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky
SW1(config-if)# switchport port-security voilation shutdown
SW1(config-if)# switchport port-security

port security voilation has three modes:

  • shutdown: This is a default mode. It’ll shutdown the interface.

  • protect: Allow traffic from valid mac-address but block traffic from invalid.

  • restrict: Assist with troubleshooting by keeping count of voilations.

You can define static mac-address with this command:

SW1(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address ——-Mac-address————–

In real scenario, network administrators define auto recovery for port security. It means in case of violation, ports automatically enable timer to recover from psecure violation disable state:

SW1(config)# errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation

also we can define timer interval(second), to recover automatically:

SW1(config)# errdisable recovery interval 30
1-2 Show Port Security

You can use these commands to see port security:

SW1(config)# show port-security
SW1(config)# show port-security int fa0/1
Yes No


SSH, also known as Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that provides administrators with a secure way to access a remote computer.

To have a secure connection to Cisco devices, we don’t use Telnet. Because Telnet sends the password in plain Text. If you use kind of sniffer tools such as Wireshark, you can see exact password is passing to the device. So, for having secure connection all system administrators use SSH.

There are 5 steps for creating SSH connection, which are namely:

  1. Create a hostname

  2. Create a domain name

  3. Generate RSA key

  4. Create a local account

  5. Allow SSH in vty line

SW1# conf t
SW1(config)# hostname SW1
SW1(config)# ip domain name HRT
SW1(config)# crypto gen key rsa
SW1(config)# ip ssh version 2
SW1(config)# username mona password/secret cisco
SW1(config)# line vty 0 5
SW1(config-line)# transport input telnet/ssh/all
SW1(config-line)# login local

In line 4, length of RSA key depends on the device. Some devices support more than 1024 or 2048.

In line 6, you can use password or secret, as I told you in previous section, secret encrypts your password in running-config, but password is shown in clear text.

In line 8, you can select telnet, ssh or both of them to allow in vty line. In other words, if you select all, ssh users and telnet users can connect through vty line

Yes No

VTP(Vlan Trunking Protocol) #

1-1 What is VTP?

VTP is a layer 2 messaging protocol which is a Cisco proprietary protocol that propagates the definition of Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN) on the whole local area network. VTP minimizes misconfigurations and configuration inconsistencies that can result in a number of problems, such as duplicate VLAN names, incorrect VLAN-type specifications, and security violations.

There are three versions of VTP, namely version 1, version 2, version 3. All feature of 3 versions of VTP is shown in Table1






VTP password


Private Vlan


Extended Vlan


Token Ring Support

There are three main modes in VTP:

  • Server : This is a default mode of VTP. You can create, modify, and delete VLANs and specify other configuration parameters (such as VTP version and VTP pruning) for the entire VTP domain. VTP servers advertise their VLAN configuration to other network devices

  • Client: VTP clients behave the same way as VTP servers, but you cannot create, change, or delete VLANs on a VTP client.

  • Transparent: VTP transparent network devices do not participate in VTP. A VTP transparent network device does not advertise its VLAN configuration and does not synchronize its VLAN configuration based on received advertisements. However, in VTP version 2, a transparent network device will forward received VTP advertisements from its trunking LAN ports. In VTP version 3, a transparent network device is specific to an instance.


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We want to make a Vlan in Switch 1 and change its mode to server mode. Between Switch 1 and Switch 2, we use trunk port and then set Switch 2 mode for VTP to client.

switch1(config)# int gi0/1
switch1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
switch1(config)# vlan 10
switch1(config-if)# name IT
switch1(config-if)# exit
switch1(config)# vlan 20
switch1(config-if)# name Sales
switch1(config-if)# exit
switch1(config)# vtp mode server
switch1(config)# vtp domain HRT
switch2(config)# int gi0/1
switch2(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
switch2(config)# vlan 10
switch2(config-if)# name IT
switch2(config-if)# exit
switch2(config)# vlan 20
switch2(config-if)# name Sales
switch2(config-if)# exit
switch2(config)# vtp mode client
switch2(config)# vtp domain HRT

to see status of VTP:

switch1# show vtp status

Enter a caption for this image (optional)

Now if you check, switch2 , you can see Vlan 10, 20 are made automatically.

in VTP V3, you can define password VTP. In doing so, just switches with the same password can talk eachother.

switch(config)# vtp password cisco
1-2 VTP Pruning

VTP pruning enhances network bandwidth use by reducing unnecessary flooded traffic, such as broadcast, multicast, unknown, and flooded unicast packets. VTP pruning increases available bandwidth by restricting flooded traffic to those trunk links that the traffic must use to access the appropriate network devices. By default, VTP pruning is disabled.

Without VTP Pruning
Enter a caption for this image (optional)

With VTP Pruning
Enter a caption for this image (optional)

As you can see in above pictures, traffic with and without VTP Pruning is demonstrated. To enable VTP pruning:

switch(config)# vtp pruning

To enable VTP V2 or V3, you have to write:

switch(config)# vtp version 2 or 3
Yes No

Access-list(Standard - Extended) #

In Cisco we have two types of access-list:

  • Standard

    • It’s based on source address

    • It uses lower process utilization

  • Extended

    • It’s based on source/destination and port number

    • It uses high process utilization

We define access-list only on routers or layer3 switches. You can’t define access-list on layer 2 switches

1-1 Standard Acess-list

Enter a caption for this image (optional)

Imagine in router 2, we want to deny any packets come from network To prevent these packet based on standard access-list just pay attention to source:

Router2(config)# access-list 10 deny
Router2(config)# access-list 10 permit any
Router2(config)# int gi0/1
Router2(config-if)# ip access-group 10 in

In this command, first, we define access-list and write it as 10. This number should between 1 to 99 . Then, we deny every source address in network In access-list, we always use wildcard mask instead of netmask. To know wildcard mask, just substract from network mask , the result shows wildcard mask.

Next, we permit others to access network. If you forget to write line 2, all network will be down. Because you forbid any connections from router 2.

After that, we have to associate access-list to router interface. We have inbound and outbound, in this example, we are entering from network to router 2. So, we write access-list in inbound of router.

1-2 Extended Access-list

Enter a caption for this image (optional)

The best practise we can bring here, is our previous router-on-a-stick. In above example, we have two PCs which can communicate together through router 0. Switch 0 is connected to Router0 through trunk port. PCs IP address is:

  • PC0

    • IP Address:

    • Netmask:

    • Default Gateway:

  • PC1

    • IP Address:

    • Netmask:

    • Default Gateway:

Now, we want to forbid every packet goes from vlan 10 to vlan 20 and vice versa. So, we can define access-list based on source and destination. In extended access-list, you have to follow these rules:

1- Protocol –> Source Address–> Destination Address –> Port

2- Extended access-list starts from 100-199

Router0(config)# access-list 100 deny ip
Router0(config)# access-list 100 permit ip any any

This is for Vlan 10 which bans every packet from network to We define protocol, IP. It means, any related protocol to IP such as ftp, web, ….. In other words, I ban all protocols of IP.

For Vlan 20, we have:

Router0(config)# access-list 101 deny ip
Router0(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any

Then, we access above-mentioned access-list to int fa0/0.10 and fa0/0.20:

Router0(config)# int fa0/0.10
Router0(config-subif)# ip access-group 100 in
Router0(config-subif)# exit
Router0(config)# int fa0/0.20
Router0(config-subif)# ip access-group 101 in
Router0(config-subif)# exit

There are different scenarios in access-list and it can be permit and deny or any protocol such as ftp, web. Imagine in above example just we want to deny telnet and ssh. Then, we write:

Router0(config)# access-list 100 deny tcp eq 23
Router0(config)# access-list 100 deny tcp eq 22
Router0(config)# access-list 100 permit ip any any
1-3 Show access-list

To know, what we write and how access-list work, just write :

Router0# show access-lists

Enter a caption for this image (optional)
1-4 Named access-list

You can define, named access-list like numbered access-list in section 1-2 and 1-1. I write previous example in named access-list:

Router0(config)# ip access-list extended vlan10
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router0(config)# ip access-list extended vlan20
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any
Router0(config-ext-nacl)# exit
Router0(config)# int fa0/0.10
Router0(config-subif)# ip access-group vlan10 in
Router0(config-subif)# exit
Router0(config)# int fa0/0.20
Router0(config-subif)# ip access-group vlan20 in
Router0(config-subif)# exit

As you can see, everything is the same as numbered access-list. In real work, network engineers prefer using named access-list rather than numbered access-list

Yes No



  • Maximum hop count 15
  • RIP ( 30 Sec update to other routers)
  • Doesn’t analyse traffi
  • Distance Vector
  • RIPng( send through hex to other routers FF2::9)


  • Only to Cisco Protocol
  • Distance vector
  • Analyses traffic
  • Autonomous system limitation
  • Pays attention to bandwidth too. up to 15 routers is good
    in fact, with the same autonomous number routers can speak together. if autonomous number of one of routers is different. The network will be down.


  • Larger Network
  • Link state(Dikestra- Shortest path first)
  • Very scalable
  • Uses area instead of autonomous
  • Each area no more 15 routers

Configure rip V2
conf t
(config)# router rip
(config)# version 2
(config)# net
(config)# net
(config)# no auto-summary

Important command
conf t
(config)# do sh start ( with do that is not necessary to be out)
(config)# do sh ip int br ( good)
(config)# do sh protocols( show protocols )
(config)# do sh controllers ( hardware information)
(config)# do sh ip rip
(config)# do sh ip route

debug ip rip( behind scence)
no debug ip rip

Set IPV6 for
conf t
(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing ( for writing ipv6)
(config)# int f0/0
(config)# ipv6 address 2001:3200….

For IPV6
conf t
(config)# ipv6 router rip 1
(config)# int f0/0
(config)# ipv6 rip 1 enable

sh ipv6 route

RIP timer
router rip timers basic 30(interval between update) 180(Invalid) 180(Holddown) 240(Flush)

conf t
(config)# router eigrp 100(autonomous number can share update in the same autonomous system)
(config)# net
(config)# net
(config)# no auto-summary

conf t
(config)# router ospf 100(process ID)
(config)# net subnetmask=wildmask card) area 0
(config)# net area 0

show ip ospf neighbour

Yes No

Configuring WPA2 with AES or TKIP and PSK on Cisco Aironet 1140 Access Points #

First of all, we have to create an SSID profile. You can do this with the command dot11 ssid ssid. Let’s make a SSID with the name ‘CiscoTalkWireless’.

ap(config)#dot11 ssid CiscoTalkWireless

Next, we can configure the SSID properties. In this example, we want to use open authentication with key management provided by WPA2. In addition, I want to broadcast this SSID. This makes its easier for users to connect to your network. This is especially useful for guest wireless networks. While in SSID configuration mode:

ap(config-ssid)#authentication open
ap(config-ssid)#authentication key-management wpa version 2
ap(config-ssid)#wpa-psk ascii CiscoTalkTutorials!

The configuration is pretty self-explanatory.
authentication open enables open authentication.

authentication key-management wpa version 2 configures this SSID to use WPA2. If you leave off version 2and enter authentication key-management wpa, you are configuring the SSID with WPA.

guest-mode enables SSID broadcasting.

wpa-psk ascii sets the pre-shared key for the SSID.

Now with the SSID profile configured, we need to specify an encryption method. Let’s enter interface configuration mode on Dot11Radio0:

ap(config)#interface Dot11Radio0

There are a few options you can use for encryption. You can also use AES, TKIP, and WEP. I strongly advise against using WEP and recommend AES over TKIP.
For AES:

ap(config-if)# encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm


ap(config-if)# encryption mode ciphers tkip

Now with the encryption method in place, let’s assign the SSID:

ap(config-if)# ssid CiscoTalkWireless

By default and as a security measure, all new Cisco Access Points ship with the radios turned off. So as a final step, let’s enable the radio:

ap(config-if)# no shutdown

By default, Cisco access points select the least congested wireless channel. As soon as you enable the interface, the access point will scan and assign itself an appropriate channel. Once the channel selection process is complete, you should now have a working wireless network! You can verify connected clients by using the show dot11 associations command:

ap#show dot11 associations
802.11 Client Stations on Dot11Radio0:
SSID [CiscoTalkWireless] :
MAC Address    IP address      Device        Name            Parent         State
100b.bbbd.e248    ccx-client    CiscoTalk-PC    self           Assoc

My next post will be a tutorial on how to configure multiple SSIDs using different VLANs on a single access point.

Yes No

Cisco ASA FirePOWER Services: how to install FMC? #

Technology: Network Security
Area: Next Generation Firewalls
Vendor: Cisco
Software: 8.X, 9.X, FMC 5.X, 6.X, SFR module 5.X , 6.X
Platform: Cisco ASA, Firepower Management Center VM

Firepower Management Center installation steps

1. Deployment from OVF

FMC installation step 1


2. Assign the hostname for VM

fmc installation step 2

3. Choose the right ovf and vmdk files

FMC installation step 3


4. Select proper vNIC (the one you will use for management purposes and communication with the sensor) and disk provisioning type

FMC installation step 5


5. VM Deployment is finished

FMC installation step 6


6. VM starts the installation

FMC installation step 7


Note: The Cisco Firepower Management Center Virtual instance then appears under the specified data center in the Inventory. Booting up the new VM could take up to 30-40 minutes.


7. After about 20 minutes you will see the system first initialization message

FMC installation step 8


8. After installation is complete, the firepower login prompt appears.

Note: A message “WRITE SAME failed. Manually zeroing.” may appear after the system is booted up for the first time. This does not indicate a defect, it correctly indicates that the VMware storage driver does not support the WRITE SAME command.  The system displays this message, and proceeds with a fallback command to perform the same operation

FMC installation step 9


Default user and password for version 6.x FMC and later

  • Username: admin
  • Password: Admin123


9. First login and setup

FMC installation step 10


10. Setup of FMC – CLI (you might be prompted for sudo password then provide the same password as used when loging in)

FMC installation step 11


11. Checking the interfaces on FMC and ensuring proper addressing:

FMC installation step 12


12. First GUI login comes up after typing the IP address (or FMC’s FQDN) set during installation. To login use exactly the same credentials as used for CLI login.

FMC installation step 13

Yes No

Migrating ASA to FTD #

For this post, we will be discussing migrating an ASA with FirePOWER services to a Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) image on an ASA 5506-X appliance. At a high level, you reimage the ASA unit with a FTD then use the migration tool (if you have an existing ASA configuration) to import the ASA configuration into the new FTD configuration.

Let’s start with some of the pre-requirements for the re-image process. First, backup the ASA configuration along with the ASA, ASDM, and FirePOWER software. You can do this with a full backup through the ASA ASDM or CLI. Also, backup any license files or keys you may have for the ASA and make sure the ASA’s ROMMON version is 1.1.8 or greater (if not then upgrade it). Secondly, download the FTD boot image and install package software (the file names will vary depending on ASA model). Lastly, make sure you have console access to your ASA unit.

Now let’s go through the ASA to FTD re-image process. You can refer to this link from Cisco for details of this process and I will refer back to it throughout this blog:

Step 1: Reboot the ASA and get into the ROMMON prompt. You can break into ROMMON by pressing ESC when prompted to during the reboot.

Step 2: Setup a TFTP server on your laptop or LAN then while in ROMMON, configure the ASA interface with an IP address that is accessible by the TFTP server.  You will use this to load the FTD boot image into the ASA unit.  The interface you configure does vary depending on the ASA model, so check the link in the beginning of the section for details.

For this lab, I’m using an ASA 5506-X so it will not allow me to choose an interface. All interface configuration is applied to the management interface. Also, the TFTP server is on my laptop so I set the gateway as the same as the TFTP server address.

Commands in ROMMON to run at this step:

  • rommon #0> address <ip address>
  • rommon #1> server <tftp server IP address>
  • rommon #2> gateway <gateway IP address>
  • rommon #3> file <boot image file name>
  • rommon #4> set

Step 3: Once the interface is configured, make sure you can ping the TFTP server to verify network connectivity then download the FTD boot image.

Commands in ROMMON to run at this step:

  • rommon #5> sync
  • rommon #6> tftpdnld

 After the ‘tftpdnld’ command is ran the FTD boot image will download and reboot the ASA into the FTD Boot CLI

Step 4: Setup an HTTP or FTP server on your laptop or network for to install the FTD systems install package to the ASA. In the FTD boot CLI, run the ‘setup’ command and it step you through configuring network settings for the install.

Step 5: Once the ASA’s network settings is configured then install the system image using the ‘system install’ command.

Commands for this step:

system install [noconfirm] http://<ip address of tftp server>/<ftd system image file name>

The noconfirm allows you not to respond to confirmation messages from during the install.

The install can take some time so grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to wait. Once the install is done, the ASA will reboot and bring up the FTD CLI prompt.

You have now re-imaged an ASA unit with a FTD image. At this point you can log into the on-box management GUI, Firepower Device Manager (FDM), or you can add the ASA to the Firepower Management Center (FMC) as you would normally add a Firepower device. For this blog, I will be using FDM to manage FTD.

Lastly, let’s confirm we can log into the FDM portal. By default, FTD assigns the management interface for the ASA unit with an IP address of and has DHCP server enabled on it. You can plug your laptop into the management port and receive an IP address on that subnet.

Browse to and log into FDM with the default username and password, admin/Admin123.

After you log into FDM, you will be prompted to change the password and accept the EULA. It will then run you through a wizard for initial configuration.

For the last part of this blog, we will look (at high-level overview) into the ASA to FTD configuration migration tool. If you have an existing ASA configuration that you need to migrated to FTD, you can use this tool to help migrate some of the ASA configuration to FTD. There are some caveats to this and we will discuss them in a moment after we go over the migration process.

For the configuration migration, you will first want to back up the ASA configuration file in a .cfg or .txt format first then make sure the ASA code level is at least on 9.1 version and ASDM on version 7.1. The migration tool is a feature you enable on a Firepower Management Console (FMC) VM, which should not be a Production FMC since it only allows to use the migration tool features. If it is done a production VM, the FMC will require a re-image to be able to in order to un-install the migration tool. Make sure the migration tool is the same major and minor release as the production FMC that you will import the configuration into. For example, if your FMC is running then the version of FMC that the migration tool is running on needs to be as well. You will then run the ASA configuration file through migration tool and download the .sfo file, then import that into the Production FMC. You can use the imported configuration to set up an Access Control Policy to apply to the FTD device.

Now to the caveats and limitation of what ASA configuration parameters the tool converts. Here is a list of what ASA configurations the tool supports:

  • Extended access rules
  • Twice NAT statements
  • Object NAT statements
  • Network objects/groups and service objects/groups that are associated with extended access rules and NAT statements which the tool coverts

Here is a list of the tool’s limitations:

  • It migrates only ASA configurations. It does not migrate FirePOWER services configuration, these policies will have to be migrated manually.
  • It can support up to 2000000 total access rules, if there is more ACEs than what is stipulated then the migration will fail.
  • It will migrate ACLs that are applied to interfaces only. You can check on which ACLs are applied to interfaces by running a ‘show run access-group’ command.
  • The tool only coverts objects that are used in ACLs that are applied to interfaces and NAT statements migrated. It does not migrated objects alone.
  • It does not migrate EtherType or WebType ACLs, ACEs that use host address name aliases (defined by the ‘name’ command), and ACEs that use default service objects.
  • It will covert, but disable ACEs that include the following: time-range objects, Fully-qualified domain names (FQDN), Local users or user groups, Security group (SGT) objects, and Nested service groups for both source and destination ports. It disables these rules since FTD does not have an equivalent functionality for these parameters. For a disabled rule, you can edit it to meet supported FTD configuration.

As you can see the FTD migration tool will aid you in migrating an existing ASA configuration to an FTD deployment. Keep in mind that it will not convert everything in the ASA configuration and there will be at some manual migration, but the tool will save you some time and provide you with a good starting point for your migration!



Yes No

DVTI on Hub-Spoke IKEV2 #

(config)#crypto pki certificate map CAMP 1
#issuer-name co talebi

(config)# default crypto ikev2 proposal
(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal default
# encryption aes-cbc-256
# integrity sha256
# group 14

(config)# default crypto ikev2 policy

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile IKEV2-Profile
# identity local dn
# match certificate CMAP
# authentication remote rsa-sig
# authentication local rsa-sig
# pki trustpoint Trusted-cA
# virtual-template 1

(config)# default crypto ipsec transform-set

(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-gcm 256

(config)# default crypto ipsec profile
(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
(config)# set ikev2-profile IKEV2-Profile
(config)# interface virtual-template 1 type tunnel
#ip unnumbered loop 0
#tunnel source eth0/0
#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
#tunnel protection ipsec profile default
#ip ospf 1 area 0

(config)#crypto pki certificate map CAMP 1
#issuer-name co talebi

(config)# default crypto ikev2 proposal
(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal default
# encryption aes-cbc-256
# integrity sha256
# group 14

(config)# default crypto ikev2 policy

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile IKEV2-Profile
# identity local dn
# match certificate CMAP
# authentication remote rsa-sig
# authentication local rsa-sig
# pki trustpoint Trusted-cA

(config)# default crypto ipsec transform-set

(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-gcm 256

(config)# default crypto ipsec profile
(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
(config)# set ikev2-profile IKEV2-Profile

(config)# interface Tunnel0
#ip unnumbered loop 0
#tunnel source eth0/0
#tunnel destination
#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
#tunnel protection ipsec profile default
#ip ospf 1 area 0

Verify your tunnel
#show crypto engine connections active
#show crypto ikev2 sa



show crypto ikev2 stats
show crypto ikev2 stats exchange
show crypto ikev2 proposal
show crypto ipsec profile
show crypto ipsec sa
show crypto session

Yes No

FlexVPN - Part 2 #

-Proposal ==>Dephi Helman Group – Encryption – Integrity
-Profile (match), (keyring)

show crypto ikev2 proposal default
show crypto ikev2 policy default
show crypto ikev2 transform-set default
show crypto ipsec profile default

Changing the default proposal

(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal default
(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes-cbc-256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 2

revert back the default proposal
(config)# default crypto ikev2 proposal


(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal default
(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes-cbc-256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 2

(config)# crypto ikev2 keyring Our-keys
# peers R2
# address
# identity address
# pre-shared-key local cisco123
# pre-shared-key remote cisco 123

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile default
# match identity remote address
# identity local address
# authentication local pre-share
# authentication remote pre-share
# keyring local Our-keys
# lifetime 7200

(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-gcm 256

(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
#set pfs group20

(config)# int tunnel 5
#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
#ip unnumbered loop 0
# tunnel source e0/0
# tunnel destination
# tunnel protection ipsec profile default


(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal default
(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes-cbc-256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha256
(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 2

(config)# crypto ikev2 keyring Our-keys
# peers R1
# address
# identity address
# pre-shared-key local cisco123
# pre-shared-key remote cisco 123

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile default
# match identity remote address
# identity local address
# authentication local pre-share
# authentication remote pre-share
# keyring local Our-keys
# lifetime 7200

(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set default esp-gcm 256

(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
#set pfs group20

(config)# int tunnel 5
#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
#ip unnumbered loop 0
# tunnel source e0/0
# tunnel destination
# tunnel protection ipsec profile default

Yes No

FlexVPN: IKEV2 - Part 1 #

FlexVPN = IKEV2 + NGE(Next Generation Encryption)
IKEV1 = phase 1 => negotiate
phase 2 => IPSec Tunnel

IKEV2 => Initial neogtiation + IPSec Tunnel
=> proposals, key ring, policy, profile

#show crypto ikev2 proposal default
#show crypto ikev2 policy default

(config)# crypto ikev2 keyring HRT-keyring
peer container1
identity fqdn r2.test.local
pre-shared-key local cisco
pre-shared-key remote cisco123

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile HRT-profile
match identity remote fqdn r2.test.local
identity local fqdn r1.test.local
authentication local pre-share
authentication remote pre-share
keyring local HRT-keyring

(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
# set ikev2-profile HRT-profile

(config)# int tunnel 3
# tunnel source gi0/0
# tunnel destination
# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
# tunnel protection ipsec profile default

(config)# crypto ikev2 keyring HRT-keyring
peer container1
identity fqdn r1.test.local
pre-shared-key local cisco123
pre-shared-key remote cisco

(config)# crypto ikev2 profile HRT-profile
match identity remote fqdn r1.test.local
identity local fqdn r2.test.local
authentication local pre-share
authentication remote pre-share
keyring local HRT-keyring

(config)# crypto ipsec profile default
# set ikev2-profile HRT-profile

(config)# int tunnel 3
# tunnel source gi0/0
# tunnel destination
# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
# tunnel protection ipsec profile default


#show crypto ikev2 sa

#show crypto engine active connections

Yes No

Dynamic Virtual Tunnel Interfaces (VTIs) #

Branches with Static VTI
Hub : Dynamic VTI
– ISAKMP Profile
– Key ring with PSKs
– Virtual Template


(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1
(config-isakmp)# encr aes 192
(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
(config-isakmp)# group 5

(config)# crypto keyring HRT-PSKS
(config-keyrings)# pre-shared-key address IP or all) key cisco123

(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set HRT-SET esp-aes 128 esp-md5-hmac

(config)# crypto ipsec profile HRT-IPSEC-PROFILE
(ipsec-profile)# set transform-set HRT-SET

(config)# interface virtual-template 1 type tunnel
(config-if)#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
(config-if)#tunnel protection ipsec profile HRT-IPSEC-PROFILE

//if the address is then use this template 1
(config)# crypto isakmp profile OUR-IKE-PROFILE
(config-isa-pro)# match identity address ( anything can connect)
(config-isa-pro)#virtual-template 1
(config-isa-pro)#keyring HRT-PSKS

R2 (branch-spoke)
(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1
(config-isakmp)# encr aes 192
(config-isakmp)# authentication pre-share
(config-isakmp)# group 5

(config)#crypto isakmp key cisco123 address

(config)#crypto ipsec tranform-set HRT esp-aes 128 esp-md5-hmac

(config)#crypto ipsec profile HRT-IPSEC-PROFILE
(ipsec-profile)# set transform-set HRT-SET

(config)#int tunnel 1
(config-if)# tunnel source serial 1/0
(config-if)# tunnel destination
(config-if)# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
(config-if)# tunnel protection ipsec profile HRT-IPSEC-PROFILE

Yes No

Site to Site- Static VTI IPSEC #


(config)#crypto ipsec tranform-set HRT esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac
(cfg-crypto-trans)# mode tunnel

(config)#crypto ipsec profile P2P-PROFILE
(ipsec-profile)# set transform-set HRT

(config)#crypto isakmp policy 15
#encr aes 256
#authentication pre-share
#group 14
(config)#crypto isakmp key cisco123 address

(config)#int tunnel 1
(config-if)# tunnel source serial 1/0
(config-if)# tunnel destination
(config-if)# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
(config-if)# tunnel protection ipsec profile P2P-PROFILE


(config)#crypto ipsec tranform-set HRT esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac
(cfg-crypto-trans)# mode tunnel

(config)#crypto ipsec profile P2P-PROFILE
(ipsec-profile)# set transform-set HRT

(config)#crypto isakmp policy 15
#encr aes 256
#authentication pre-share
#group 14
(config)#crypto isakmp key cisco123 address

(config)#int tunnel 1
(config-if)# tunnel source serial 1/0
(config-if)# tunnel destination
(config-if)# tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
(config-if)# tunnel protection ipsec profile P2P-PROFILE

Yes No

Create a Flex Connector ID-Based DB in ArcSight #

1- Install the smart connector, then add connector and among those connectors select the Flex Connector ID Based DB
2- Among many documents I recommend this document . Specially, double check your JDBC connector, because the version of your connector should be the same as JDBC connector and JRE

  • Copy the sqljdbc jar file to $ARCSIGHT_HOME\current\user\agent\lib. The version of the
    jar file depends on the version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) the connector uses.
    SmartConnector versions 7.1.2 and later use JRE 1.7 (also referred to as Java 7) and require
    sqljdbc41.jar. Prior versions of connectors that run JRE 1.6 (also referred to as Java 6) require
  • Copy the FlexConnector Configuration File (such as to
    $ARCSIGHT_HOME\user\agent\flexagent\ (the FlexConnector
    database parameter configuration folder)

3- Your Setup configuration should be like this:

  1. jdbc:sqlserver://HRTSERVER:1433;databasename=Test
  2. username: sa
  3. password:1234
  4. Enter the name of the folder that contains the properties file. Do not enter the full path to
    the file as doing so will result in an error.
    This is also the root name of the configuration file. If the configuration folder is
    “myfolder,” the FlexConnector will look for the configuration file in the directory:
    – The configuration file for time-based connectors will be named:
    – The configuration file for ID-based connectors will be named:

note: Just Enter the name of folder and the name of folder and first portion of properties file should be the name of DB.


After copying the JDBC driver and your properties file, you may get JDBC driver error, so try to close the windows and run the agent from the bin folder. Select Modify Parameters, then enter the information.

4- your configuration file should be like this, don’t forget ? in the query, because it is very important


After finishing the wizard, you can see in the process, the name of the service. Usually the name of service starts with the arc_….

Yes No

DMVPN IKE Call Admission Control #

DMVPN IKE Call Admission Control
– To mitigate attack IKE Phase 1 Negotiation

CAC protection
-In Negotiation limit
-SA limit

# show crypto call admission statistics
(config)# crypto call admission limit ike sa 2
(config)# crypto call admission limit ike in-negotiation-sa 10

Yes No

Fortigate #